Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, Iceland
The Conference is held in Bjortuloft, a hall in Harpa, concert hall & conference center in downtown of Reykjavik.
Harpa is an award-winning work of art and a centre of cultural and social life since opening in 2011.
Get Insights from Industry Specialists
Introducing our esteemed lineup of speakers who will be joining us for the conference. You will get to hear from some of the heavyweights in the ticketing industry, including Sindri Már Finnbogason - the founder of Tixly.
Motivating Sessions & Workshops
The main purpose of the conference is the empowering workshops where you get the chance to learn from each other, get knowledge of the newest trends in the performing arts and live entertainment sector.
Adventurous Activities in Icelandic Nature
You will get the opportunity to explore the fascinating Icelandic Nature as an optional activity during the conference.
More details will be announced later.