Understand and improve your customer relationships with the right tools and automated workflows that make an impact. Increase sales by targeting your customer segments and sending out personalized newsletters and special offers based on previous purchases.

Faster, simpler and in many cases automatic marketing on event level
In many cases, organizers can replace existing tools with functionality in Tixly - and save both time and money!
Customer Communication
Access all aspects of customer communication, both in online presence emails, tickets and marketing efforts.
360° Customer View
View customer actions and order history directly from the customer card.
Use Tixly from Anywhere
Tixly is 100% cloud and browser-based. Giving you access to your ticketing operations from anywhere.

We’re not done yet!
Email & SMS
Email Integrations
We offer integration for many popular email tools such as MailChimp, Apsis, Campaign Monitor and Email platform.
Engage Customers
Create specific mailing list sign-ups offered in relation to all sales, or only specific events.
Track Your Online Traffic
We support cross domain tracking, so you can follow the ticket buyer from start to end.
Selected by leading performing arts venues and culture houses

"In 2022 we will open our museum location number 14 in Northern Jutland – Cold War Museum REGAN Vest, that will become our largest attraction to date. And so, our requirements for a well functioning ticketing system has changed. We chose Tixly as they can meet our requirements and because the user experience for us and our visitors is very simple and intuitive. We hope that we can develop new ticketing products together with Tixly, for the benefit of both us and other clients.""
Helle Nørgaard
Head of Communications at Nordjyske Museer