deSingel is an impressive architectural realization with a built-up area of 48,000 m2 on the outskirts of Antwerp, Belgium, designed with love and respect for the arts by Léon Stynen and Stéphane Beel. The infrastructure comprises a mid-sized concert hall, a large hall for theatre and dance, an exhibition space, a music studio and a theatre studio.
deSingel combines grandeur and adventure in a programme of international theatre, dance, music and architecture. It is not only a place for the contemporary, critical and transnational canon; but also an incubator for artistic creation, new trends and insights.
We asked our new partners at deSingel why they chose us:
"deSingel had been working with the same ticketing provider for quite a while. This meant that operations were routinely running according to plan - we did feel, however, a lack of innovation. We felt the infrastructure was not in touch with modern needs and new possibilities that could have boosted our productivity a while back. We chose Tixly exactly for that reason: they show a thorough knowledge and ambition into offering the best solutions, be it in constructing an instinctive, easy to use platform to run our day-to-day sales on, or even building an array of solutions, tailored to suit our needs. We feel that this dynamic work ethic will help us greatly in reducing workload and, just as important, making processes easier for our patrons - thus making our software infrastructure futureproof in these uncertain times. Add to that the very pleasant communication we enjoyed to great extent, making our choice a logical one: we look forward to achieving our goals with Tixly as our motor."
Opera Ballet Vlaanderen

In 2014, the Royal Ballet of Flanders merged with the Flemish Opera to form Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Currently the Opera Ballet Vlaanderen is the largest cultural institution in Flanders, and is active in both Antwerp and Ghent. Their offices, stages, rehearsal rooms and studios are spread over three locations: Antwerp opera house, 't Eilandje (ballet) and opera Ghent. Both Antwerp and Ghent have a box office in the opera house.
Opera Ballet Vlaanderen wants to appeal to the widest possible audience. That is why, in addition to operas and ballets, they also organize concerts, youth performances and numerous broadening and in-depth activities, for both the novice art lover and the connoisseur.
Here is what our new partners at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen had to say about why they chose us:
"Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (OBV), the Flanders' region biggest cultural institution with houses in Ghent and Antwerp, has been pioneering in innovative ticketing for over 15 years now. However we felt the product we were using right now had stopped developing and had missed the boat of putting the user, both in the back office and as an end user online, in the first place. After a thorough research we realised that in Tixly we had found this pioneering partner again, with a truly future proof ticket software with impressive built-in marketing opportunities that could bring the necessary change in our organisation. We were also impressed by the flexibility they showed to implement some important specific features for us in only a few weeks time. Even the "price-per-ticket"-model - very new for our market - convinced us, as the Tixly management made clear that in this way they would their very best to help us sell more paid tickets, as they would profit from that too: a no nonsense approach that we appreciate very much. We're enormously looking forward to onboard on this challenging but certainly inspiring journey."