Automate your inventory in Tixly by importing planned events for automatic creation and preparation for ticket sales. Or use the integration to export already created shows (including sales figures) to an external system. Send back key sales figures on events, to monitor attendance, occupancy and sales.
Payment Providers
Tixly integrates to the most established payment providers in each of our active markets. Full logs and all transaction information are automatically stored on order level in the Tixly system. Our partners also offer dedicated options for mobile and bank payments, Apple pay and more.
Website Integration
Automate publication of events on your website and keep your calendar up to date with automatically updated event info, dates & availability, images and purchase links. Implement customer login and shopping cart for a seamless customer experience between website and ticket purchase flows.
Email Services
Automate synchronization of marketing permissions collected from your ticket buyers - and keep your newsletters lists always up to date, no matter where the customer opted in/out: While buying event tickets, clicking an unsubscribe link, from my page or via the Box Office. Create targeted customer segments directly in Tixly (for example based on purchase behavior or demographics) and then transfer the recipient list seamlessly to the email system for delivery.
Finance Export
Export and register revenue and payments data to your finance system, including automatically added account codes such as cost center, departments and projects for all your income. Automate daily sales reports, and save time on printed cashier reports, daily reconciliation and more. Integration options also include automation of invoicing and registration of payments.